SUNET survey and course evaluation service tender

The scope of this public procurement is to purchase a survey and course evaluation service for the Swedish research and higher education community.

The Tender is published under EU TED number: 2012-085988

Below you will find the tender documents in PDF and MS office formats.

Anonymized answers to tender questions can be found on the SUNET survey and course evaluation service tender Questions and Answers page

  File Modified
PDF File SUNET 2012 tender for survey and evaluation tool.pdf Tender document 2012-06-21 by Stefan Liström
Microsoft Word 97 Document SUNET 2012 tender for survey and evaluation tool Reply form.doc Tender Reply Form 2012-06-21 by Stefan Liström
PDF File SUNET 2012 survey and evaluation tool contract award.pdf Contract award 2012-09-04 by Stefan Liström
PDF File SUNET 2012 survey and evaluation tool procurement protocol.pdf Procurement protocol 2012-09-04 by Stefan Liström

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