NORDUnet Video Conferencing - WEB Based Access

You can connect to NORDUnet Video Conferencing meetings/conferences from a web based client here:





By using the build in client. Please follow the instructions.

  1. Microsoft Windows
    1. Input you name in the "Name Section"
    2. Input the Meeting_ID provided by the organizer in "Meeting ID" - you can test towards Meeting_ID 632462500
  1. Mac OS-X
    1. Input you name in the "Name Section"
    2. Input the Meeting_ID provided by the organizer in "Meeting ID" - you can test towards Meeting_ID 632462500
  1. UBUNTU - Using ekiga softphone - UBUNTU is not supported by NORDUnet VCONF Support!
    1. Install Ekiga Softphone
    2. Dial String h323:// - you can test towards Meeting_ID 632462500

You can reach NORDUnet Vconf Support here.

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