
    • date: 25.10.2018
    • time: 10:00 - 16:00 CET
    • venue: NORDUnet office Kastrup (tentative)
    • VC room for remote participation:
      https://nordunet.zoom.us/j/8804330816 or see below agenda for other options
    • Dinner on 24 October, 19:30: restaurant Fuego Holbergsgade 14, Copenhagen - 5 min walk from Kgs Nytorv metro station. 


Please register for the meeting in order that dinner, lunch, etc can be provided. 

Agenda (tentative)

  1. Quick update on GN4-3 preparations and status (LF)
  2. Quick update on EOSC-Nordic (LF)
  3. Nordic Cloud Services Strategy
    1. Intro (LF - 10 min)
    2. SUNET perspective (30 min)
    3. UNINETT perspective  (30 min)
    4. FUNET perspective  (30 min)
    5. Lunch (45 min)
    6. DeIC perspective  (30 min)
    7. RHnet perspective  (30 min)
    8. Cloud Services Delivery (JM - 30 Min)
    9. Open discussion (2h) 
  4. NORDUnet Science Engagement perspective  (30 min)
  5. Next steps, Future workshops (15 min)
  6. AoB


  • CSC / FUNET: Harri, Matti, Pekka
  • UNINETT: Olav, Anders, Vidar, Olaf
  • UNIT: Jan M
  • DeIC: Martin
  • SUNET: Valter, Leif, Pelle
  • RHnet: Marius


  • Round of Introductions
    • Intro from Pekka, stressing importance of Nordic collab and the importance of the CTO Forum for the bigger NDN picture
  • GN4-3
    • Briefing on status.  Shortening to 44 months
    • We got good resources in WP4, WP5
    • We were less successful on WP6
    • We have a strong role in WP8 
    • Leif: the important thing is to have the foot in the door.
    • LF: The project will attempt to be more dynamic;
    • PN: limited resources for CNaaS
  • EOSC-Nordic
    • LF give status of consortium and proposal preparatium
    • LJ reminds us about the dual-organisation e-Infra situation in Sweden
    • Pekka reminds everybody that going forward, 
  •  Cloud strategy intro by Lars
    • 10.000 ft perspective today, identification of future joint activities, services, collaborations, actions
    • Possible lay the foundation for future workshops
  • SUNET perspective
    • Out of scope: public cloud, HPC. SUNET focus is the long tail
    • SUNET strategic focus: edge computing; keep data close to users
    • The long tall is long and has really big volumes, They easily fly under the radar, and are therefore often underserved.
    • The analysis tool of choice is the laptop. 
    • What they are asking for is "a national amazon". 
    • SUNET want to re-use the existing national / campus hosting capabilities. 
    • SUNET want to provide a local, distributed, long-tail service.  
    • SUNET want to integrate this with data centre networking and the CNaaS initiativ
    • SUNET will build a single platform 
    • SUNET will own the facilities and will use a combination 
    • Technologies: openstack, CEPH, Leaf-spine datacentre networks, possibly include campus eScience DMZ
    • Network implications: may change the network handover from "two fibres for network" to "Campus datacentre / DMZ + network"
    • LJ: would like to federate with HPC (SNIC) infra, offering a single end-user portal and essentially a series of regions. 
    • Hybrid cloud storage: different vendors, local storage, public / commercial cloud as "regions" in the storage portal. 
    • Timeline: First on-prem hybrid storage deployment in Q1-2019. 
    • In the future, to support this, SUNET would like to primarily tender for managed on-prem.  Inlcudes tendering for hw / service management (say, OpenStacjk)
    • SUNET is seeing, say, OpenStack 
    • Compute resources are in this are so far limited - i.e., an OpenStack compute cluster next to the storage cluster. Eventually may be 
    • Pelle: politically, part of the attraction is the local data centre network, storage and compute node. This has made it a easier sell at the campus level.
    • Will make it easy for SUNET to offer a ScienceDMZ as a managed service 
    • Martin: can you circulate documentation. 
    • LJ: whitepaper / service description document is possible. Data centre 
    • LF: Possible joint action on how to sell something like this
    • PN: documentation, communication is on the list of things to work on
    • Olaf: this makes a lot of sense.  Short travelled data is important.  LJ: not clear how this will evolve over time. PN: people may be moving away from massive cloud. There's a natural cycle.
    • LF: down the line, integrating over HPC-like, local-long-tail and commercial cloud is an interesting topic / challenge.
    • LJ: at AARNET, the approach is to make all data appear local 
  • UNINETT Perspective
    • AL: where UNINETT is at the moment, and where we are exploring
    • UNINETT focus on offering lightweight containers in a distributed setup. Have chosen K8s at the four
    • Having a consistent API for the platform is key.  K8s API allow the creation of an abstraction from the specifics of in-house, AWS, 
    • Want the system to act as a swarm, not a single large resource. 
    • Is looking at federation of K8s  clusters.
    • Want to exploit a combination of the NO higher-ed resources and commercial cloud, and have it be percieved as a single infra
    • Challenges: 
      • Want the development experience to be more smooth
      • Want better security and vulnerability detection
      • L4 services require manual intervention
      • Accounting, centralized is a real challenge, and is needed for a comprehensive service offering
      • Today mostly offering services that do not have a lot of persistent storage
    • Currently have two clusters running. One running on top of a IaaS cluster, one running on a UNINETT Sigma cluster in Tromsø
    •  LJ: what kind of components are offered? OK, AL: core K8s, orchestration, a few extra services. More complex services not there yet
    • UH-Sky project is ending this year.  Final stages of program lives with UH-Sky
    • One UH-Sky experience is that a cloudification initiative is needed, to help community take up cloud services
    • Question: should UNINETT act more as a single point of contact for infrastructure, or a be a broker.  Similar questions exist w FUNET, SUNET
    • AL: users are interested in the service, not the hardware or platform. It's really software-as-a-service we want to do. 
    • UNINETT Sigma has built a GPU cluster that can be used for these types of services
    • UNINETT: customers want abstractions. Pekka: FI users are pushing for same thing. JM: there's a Dutch project that is now in production.
    • Lots of discussion of tendering and the implications of IaaS vs on-prem
    • Question: 
      • should uninett be a cluster federation provider
      • What kind of ecosystem around the cluster can UNINETT provide (T&I, logging, monitoring, accounting, app-store, ...)
    • LF: PRP / NRP in the US have chosen K8s, and a doing a lot with federating smaller clusters etc. We can connect with them and share experience.
    • Olav: UNINETT is further developing the Application-as-a-Service / data-analytics-as-a-Service as a portal. Now allows multiple cluster of execution and a hybrid execution platform.  
    • Being used also for classes and universities.  
    • UNINETT has developed a proof-of-concept, that is now being run by Sigma as a trial service.  
    • Development is being shared as part of the GLEMMA project (with CSC, NeiC).  Collaboration with CERN.  Hope to inject it into GN4-3 WP4T3.
    • Next step will be to integrate with IaaS backends.
    • Pekka: how are we handling accounting / invoicing. OK: in development
    • LF: so UNINETT has two layers of service (for long tail): a K8S-based federated cluster infra service, and a data analytics as a service at a layer above.
    • OK: next evolution step will be to offer machine leaning services
    • OK: something like this is a big thing for a single NREN to do, so collaborating would be useful
    • OK, JM: there's items in the GN4.-3 Work Program that could support this
    • OK: you can log in with federated login and try this. Maybe.
  • FUNET - CSC cloud strategy
    • CSC cloud roadmap developed some years ago
    • Compute services strategy, CSC compute services portfolio
    • A range of *ssS service models for cloud computing provided by CSC
      • Includes a container-based K8s infra service platform, similar to UNINETT service, to go into full service soon
    • CSC offers a resonable-sized K8s cluster, and one for sensitive data services
    • There general use cluster is a slice of the HPC platform. The sensitive data cluster is separate. 
    • Pekka: CSC is in tender for new HPC platform. So far unknown if the new platform will also be used for cloud services, or if that will be separate.
    • Pekka: billing / accounting is a challenge. This is not built in. LJ: the SUNET service have the accounting built in from the start. 
    • LF: the European ideas for Cloud Coins may be something to look into
    • OK: accounting should go hand-in-hand with monitoring, to understand real availability 
    • FUNET service evolution
      • FUNET Kampus (CNaaS) - in pilot
      • FUNET Capacity Services - backup in pilot, data centre hosting in planning.  Similar to Swedish ideas
      • When FUNET CNaaS was initiated, it was envisioned that it would be the small campuses wanting this. Turns out the large universities are signing up. 
      • It is so far not clear if this will be mostly focused on the border management, or will evolve into campus LAN / wifi management.
      • PN: SUNET is planning to run one campus network in 2019, in order to test the toolset development. 
    • Strategic position
  • DeIC
    • DeIC is doing HPC; those services are not really related to cloud services
    • DeIC is also offering the GÉANT IaaS services.  However, it has very little uptake
    • a single shared service based on nextCloud - sciencedata.dk
    • DeIC would like to do a service similar to sciencedata.dk for computing - an open, free VM service.  No backing from campuses so far.
    • At a single Danish campus, individual researchers are procuring VM with their individual credit cards in fairly large quantities, probably above EC procurement limits
    • DeIC is working with NeIC in Nordic cloud service project. 
    • VN, LF, JM: we have a challenge w/ ensuring communications lines for research support, and not just the business process view. 
  • RHnet
    • Interested in the services that are being developed
    • Iceland government has contracted with MS for a cloud service for all public sector including education & research. As a result, MS has a lock-in on the Icelandic R&E cloud market. 
    • LJ: the challenge of vendor lock-in for basic collaboration tools is massive at the moment.  
    • PN: we (NRENs) should be careful promoting these services that can lead to lock-in
    • MO: the above is the reason there's no RHnet cloud strategy
  • Cloud Service Delivery
    • GÉANT cloud service delivery framework - it's there, how do the Nordics relate to it
    • Consumption of commercial cloud services may be direct, but the responsibility is still with the institutions
    • Trends
      • our community likes hyperscale / global providers
      • out community appear to like SaaS
      • Hyperscale providers are getting bigger,
      • R&E is falling behind on adoption, our fraction of revenue with providers with them is declining
    • Introduction to the GÉANT activities
      • Leverage joint effort, scale over many NRENs, save (human) resources
      • pan-European procurement
      • light-weight collaboration with providers
    • Jan M want to turn this in to a repeatable process
    • GÉANT IaaS
      • Provider / service catalogue ready
      • 2018 pan-European revenue is about 7 M€; not a lot of that from the Nordic region
      • Currently 300 consuming institutions, 18 of 36 countries
      • There's fast uptake in some countries, in others not. 
      • In Sweden, Finland, campus legal departments is often the blocker for uptake
      • large consumption happens in Spain, Ireland, Netherlands.  These countries had the business processes in place already
      • Most of the consumption is Azure
    • Next steps
      • continue IaaS
      • HPC-focus in OCRE.  Tender in September 2019.  Will try to do the tender so it's not just for HPC, but essentially v2 of the IaaS tender
      • Private cloud, possible using K8s containers
    • What will the Nordic do
      • JM: if we collaborate for exploiting the delivery framework, we can achieve more
      • JM: Do DK, SE, FI, IS want to build on the Nordic position  / reputation, or just be "any other NREN"
      • HEAnet, SURFnet, DFN are showing ways to benefit from, and to let members benefit from, the IaaS framework
    • Ideas for Nordic way forward
      • create a coordinated nordic process for demand aggregation 
      • Coordinated input to requirements for next IaaS iteration
    • Martin: given the disappointing uptake, what are the chances of getting a good deal in the next iteration; JM: uptake is growing, vendors are so far reasonably happy. Vendors w good local representation have an advantage
  • Next?
    • How do we participate in the next GÉANT IaaS.  Valter: do we do GÉANT or Nordic?  PN: we should do an independent  workshop.  Pekka: we need a champion, NDN should coordinate
    • Qvist: maybe people need more platform or application or HPC as a service, and less plain Infra-as-a-Service
    • LF;  topics to take away: 1) data centre / CNassS / SUNET distributed cloud storage services, 2) K8s-based federated community clouds 3) Participation in GÉANT IaaS Framework
    • Qvist: why are people so afraid of firewall-as-a-service?
    • Steps:
      • Learn about what we are doing
      • Learn if Nordic NRENs have joint objectives and / or a joint strategy
      • identify how NORDUnet can support that 
    • AL: strategy must also look at how to deal with public cloud providers, Office360, and how institutions cope with that.

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