
Venue: CSC/FUNET office, Espoo
Time: 14 January, 9:00 - 15:00

Guide to visit CSC / FUNET.
CSC recommends the Tapiola Garden hotel, Tel. +358 (0)20 1234 616.If you give booking code NORDUNET you will get a fixed price of 118 €/night.

There will be a Nordic Operations meeting and an interNREN Services kick-off at CSC on 12-13 January. CSC will kindly arrange a joint dinner will for all the groups on 13 January, i.e., the evening before the CTO meeting.


Lars Fischer NORDUnet
Börje Josefsson SUNET
Jørgen Qvist NORDUnet
Juha Oinonen CSC/Funet
Olaf Schjelderup UNINETT

Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Country updates
    1. SUNET
    2. UNINETT
    3. Forskingsnet
    4. FUNET
    5. NORDUnet
  3. Updates from working groups
    1. Operations meetings
    2. Nordic Service Coordination
  4. Cross-Border Fibre initiatives
    1. Brief update on European CBF situation
    2. Biref update on Baltic Ring initiative
    3. Potential Nordic CBF projects
      1. Kiruna - Narvik, incl. alternative UNINETT - NDN connectivity through SUNET
      2. SUNET - FUNET
      3. others
    4. Actions and next steps
  5. Next Meeting
    1. Next meeting key agenda item
  6. AOB

Main topic will be cross-border fibre / federated facilities for both core and access networks.


  1. LF to create mailing list and wiki space for CBF WG, announce 27 January meeting.
  2. LF & JQ to prepare CBF WG kick-off meeting.
  3. LF to call for next CTO meeting. Main topic: Serving and engaging the campus. Also: reports from CBF WG, Services WG, NORDUnet 2011 PC.
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