Inter-NREN meeting in Espoo 8th September 2011


1. Welcome


Martin Bech (MB), Uni-C
Jorgen Qvist (JQ), NORDUnet (excused)
Leif Johansson, NORDUnet (vconf)
Juha Oinonen (JO), CSC/Funet
Harri Kuusisto (HK), CSC/Funet
Tiina Leiponen (TL), CSC/Funet
Juha Hopia (JH), CSC/Funet
Jari Miettinen (JM), CSC/Funet
Marius Olafsson (MO), RHNet (excused)
Magnus Strømdal (MS), UNINETT (excused)
Olaf Schjelderup (OS), UNINETT
Morten Knutsen (MK), UNINETT

The meeting started at 10:00 EET

1.1 Agenda bashing

2. Last meeting

2.1 Minutes from last meeting

2.2 TODO-list

Comments: DONE items

Comments: pending items

2.3 New work area in the Wiki

3. Short update for the last 3 months (approximately 3 main issues)

3.1 Funet

3.2 Sunet

3.3 FSKNet



3.6 NORDUnet

4. Service Matrix

4.1 Status for the Service Matrix

4.2. Cloud services

4.3. Update of the shared services

5. Next meeting
6. AOB

6.1. Co-operation and outreach

6.2. Baltic Ring

7. Closing