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titleWork in progress

This page is a work in progress

Page index
  1. Overview
  2. Installing
  3. Configuration
    1. Stand-alone configuration
    2. Lobber web app configuration


Code Block
pip install stompservice transmissionrpc feedparser

Get Download the tar archive lobber-storagenode-1.tar.gz or get the storage node from


Install the storagenode:

Code Block

(for tar archive) tar xvzf lobber-storagenode-1-tar.gz
cd lobber-storagenode
python install


First you will have to create a key with the right entitlements to be able to access the torrents you are interested in. You do this in the Lobber web app under Application Keys.

Find the script lobberstoragenode configuration file config in the directory scripts in lobber-storagenode/etc/lobberstoragenode/.

You need to change the following options:



What it gets you

All torrents readable by the current user (or key)

All torrents tagged with 'foo'

Copy the script to the start up script folder and change permissions on it.

Code Block

cp lobberstoragenode /etc/init.d/lobberstoragenode
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/lobberstoragenode

Start the storage node:

Code Block
/etc/init.d/lobberstoragenode start


Code Block
usermod -G debian-transmission www-data

Find the script lobberstoragenode configuration file config in the directory scripts in lobber-storagenode/etc/lobberstoragenode/.

You need to change the following options:


The L_KEY is the lobber application key you obtain from lobber. The L_HOST should be '' in order to use the Lobber Beta site and L_DROPBOXDIR is the path to a directory in your filesystem file system that will act as a dropbox. Any file or directory placed here will be uploaded to lobber and then removed.Copy the script to the start up script folder and change permissions on it.


Start the storage node:

Code Block
/etc/init.d/lobberstoragenode start
