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Code Block
$ twistd lobberstoragenode --help
Usage: twistd [options] lobberstoragenode [options]
  -n, --standardNotifications      Add standard notificiation destinations
  -R, --register                   Register new torrents with lobber
  -a, --announceUrl=               Announce URL (tracker) to use for new
  -A, --acl=                       Access Control List to apply to new torrents
  -b, --dropbox=                   A directory to watch for new content
  -d, --torrentDir=                The directory where to store torrents
                                   [default: torrents]
  -D, --transmissionDownloadsDir=  The downloads directory for transmission
  -h, --lobberHost=                The host running both STOMP and https for
  -k, --lobberKey=                 The Lobber application key to use
  -p, --trackerProxyTrackerUrl=    Enable tracker proxying for given https
                                   tracker (HOST[:PORT])
  -P, --trackerProxyListenOn=      Adress to bind the tracker proxy to [default:
  -r, --removeLimit=               Remove torrent and data when this many other
                                   storage-nodes have the data (0=never remove)
                                   [default: 0]
  -S, --stompUrl=                  The STOMP protocol URL to use for
                                   notifications [default:
  -T, --transmissionRpc=           The RPC URL for transmission [default:
      --help                       Display this help and exit.



Storage node for Lobber web application

To start a storage node to complement the Lobber web application you need
first to create a key with the right entitlements and url filter via the web ui.

To make the storage node able to write in transmissions standard download directory you need to add the group
debian-transmission to the www-data user.

usermod -G debian-transmission www-data

When you have made the key and added www-data to the group debian-transmission run the following as www-data:
sudo -u www-data twistd -l /var/django/lobber/logs/ --pidfile /tmp/ lobberstoragenode -k KEY -h localhost -b /path/to/lobber/dropbox

When running a storage-node for development purposes you will typically run it with both the --stompUrl and --lobberUrl parameters pointing to endpoints on your local development sandbox. When running a storage-node off of you will typically want to start it this way:
