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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


A lobber storage node is essentially a standard BitTorrent client with a very thin layer used to receive notification about new and modified torrents. A lobber storage node is provided as a twisted plugin and is installed from the python package index. There is no dependency on any one BitTorrent client but development and testing is done using transmission, a BitTorrent client designed to run as a headless standalone serverCurrently the twisted plugin works with transmission - a popular, cross-platform BitTorrent client. Other BT clients may be supported in the future.


The examples below assume a debian/ubuntu environment. If you're running another unix-like or windows OS your milage may vary. Our goal is for lobber to run on a multitude of environments and operating systems. Please provide us with patches!


We recommend installing transmission 2.03 or later. If you are using ubuntu 10.04 you may have to install transmission from a PPA:

Code Block
# apt-get install python-software-properties
# add-apt-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa
# apt-get update

If you run Ubuntu 10.10 you onlu need to do the next bit.

Code Block

# apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-daemon deluge-common

At this point you should have a transmission daemon running after each reboot. Use the /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon tool to stop/start the service in the normal way.


Code Block
# apt-get install python-setuptools python-twisted python-feedparser bittorentbittorrent
# easy_install stompservice transmissionrpc
Code Block

# easy_install lobberstoragenode

or install lobberstoragenode from GIT or from tarballs...

At this point twistd should have a new plugin registered. Verify this by running twistd --help and look for lobberstoragenode in the list of commands. If you see this then you're installation should be ok.


Code Block
$ twistd lobberstoragenode --help
Usage: twistd [options] lobberstoragenode [options]
  -n, --standardNotifications      Add standard notificiation destinations
  -SR, --register                   Register new torrents with lobber
  -a, --stompUrlannounceUrl=    The STOMP protocol           Announce URL (tracker) to use for new
  -A, --acl=                       Access Control List to apply to new torrents
  -b, --dropbox=                   A directory to watch for notifications new content
  -d, --torrentDir=                The directory where to store torrents
                                   [default: torrents]
  -D, --transmissionDownloadsDir=  The downloads directory for transmission
  -h, --lobberHost=                The host running both STOMP and https for
  -k, --lobberKey=                 The Lobber application key to use
  -dp, --torrentDir=  The directory where to store torrents [default: torrents]
  -u, --lobberUrl=   The Lobber URL prefix [default:
trackerProxyTrackerUrl=    Enable tracker proxying for given https
                                   tracker (HOST[:PORT])
  -P, --trackerProxyListenOn=      Adress to bind the tracker proxy to [default:
                                 http://localhost:8000/torrents  localhost:8080]
  -r, --removeLimit=               Remove torrent and data when this many other
                                   storage-nodes have the data (0=never remove)
                                   [default: 0]
  -sS, --scriptstompUrl=                  The STOMP protocol scriptURL to run on all received torrents [default: ls -l use for
                                   notifications [default:
  -hT, --lobberHosttransmissionRpc=           The host running both STOMP and https for lobber RPC URL for transmission [default:
      --help                       Display this help and exit.


A more complete example. This would regularly pull all torrents linked from Removed and ask transmission to add the new ones.
