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Code Block
$ twistd lobberstoragenode --help
Usage: twistd [options] lobberstoragenode [options]
  -Sn, --standardNotifications      Add standard notificiation destinations
  -R, --register                   Register new torrents with lobber
  -a, --stompUrlannounceUrl=    The STOMP protocol URL           Announce URL (tracker) to use for notifications new
  -A, --acl=                       Access Control List to apply to new torrents
  -b, --dropbox=                   A directory to watch for new content
  -d, --torrentDir=                The directory where to store torrents
                                   [default: torrents]
  -D, --transmissionDownloadsDir=  The downloads directory for transmission
  -h, --lobberHost=                The host running both STOMP and https for
  -k, --lobberKey=                 The Lobber application key to use
  -dp, --torrentDir=  The directory where to store torrents [default: torrents]
  -u, --lobberUrl=   The Lobber URL prefix [default:
trackerProxyTrackerUrl=    Enable tracker proxying for given https
                                   tracker (HOST[:PORT])
  -P, --trackerProxyListenOn=      Adress to bind the tracker proxy to [default:
                                http://localhost:8000/torrents   localhost:8080]
  -r, --removeLimit=               Remove torrent and data when this many other
                                   storage-nodes have the data (0=never remove)
                                   [default: 0]
  -sS, --scriptstompUrl=                  The STOMP script to run on all received torrents [default: ls -lprotocol URL to use for
                                   notifications [default:
  -hT, --lobberHost=transmissionRpc=           The host running both STOMP and https for lobber RPC URL for transmission [default:
      --help                       Display this help and exit.
