- May 20th: DWDM - Alienwave to NORDUnet was down due to an unannounced fiber maintenance.
- May 15th: The circuit between Karlskrona core router (kka8-r1.sunet.se) and Marinmuseum Karlskrona was down due to an unannounced maintenance.
- May 13th: The link between Kiruna and Kalix was down. Down due to a cable fault.
- May 12th: Following the planned work at SUNETTICKET-5653, the affected circuits did not come up after attempting to reactivate the amplifiers. Solved by replacing the amplifier.
- May 11th: The link towards Riksarkivet in Ramsele was down. Solved by reboot of providers equipment.
- May 8th: The fiber between OSD (Östersund) and KGE (Krångede) was damaged. This has now been repaired.
- May 8th: We had FPC 1 Major Errors on kir5-r1. Solved by reboot of the FPC.
- May 3rd: We lost connection to the router su-r2.sunet.se due to a faulty FPC. The FPC has been replaced and problem solved.
- April 26th: We had a major alarm in one of the FPCs of our router fre-r1.sunet.se. Affecting the link between the routers fre-r1 and sh-r1. The MIC has been changed to fix the issue.
- April 24th: This circuit between LNU and SUNET-C node in Växjö went down. We changed the optical module in lnu-r1.sunet.se router to fix the issue.
- May 29th: One of the routers at UU Campus Gotland (vsby-r2.sunet.se), ESS (ess-r2.sunet.se), and CTH (cth-r2.sunet.se) were all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 28th: Fiber supplier performed maintenance on their network affecting link to gu-r2 and cth-r1.
- May 28th: One of the routers at SH (sh-r2.sunet.se) and at MIUN (miun-r2.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 28th: One of the routers at ORU (oru-r2.sunet.se), SLU (slu-ume-r2.sunet.se), SU (su-r2.sunet.se) and UMU (umu-r2.sunet.se) were all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 27th: Carrier performed emergency fiber splicing on the links between Göteborg and Trollhättan and Göteborg and Borås.
- May 27th: The firewall in Luleå was restarted.
- May 27th: One of the routers at UU (uu-r2.sunet.se) and at LTU (ltu-r2.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 27th: One of the routers at KAU (kau-r2.sunet.se), KTH (kth-r2.sunet.se), MAU (mah-r2.sunet.se) and LIU (liu-r2.sunet.se) are all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 24th: One of the routers at DU (du-r2.sunet.se), GU (gu-r2.sunet.se), HIG (hig-r2.sunet.se) and HIS (his-r2.sunet.se) were all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 23rd: Supplier performed maintenance on their network between Visby and Växjö.
- May 23rd: One of the routers at UU Campus Gotland (vsby-r1.sunet.se) and at CTH (cth-r1.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 23rd: One of the routers at JU (hj-r2.sunet.se), HKR (hkr-r2.sunet.se), HV (hv-r2.sunet.se) and IRF (irf-r2.sunet.se) were all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 22nd: One of the routers at LIU (liu-r1.sunet.se) and at UMU (umu-r1.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 22nd: One of the routers at BTH (bth-r2.sunet.se), HB (hb-r2.sunet.se), HH (hh-r2.sunet.se) and HHS (hhs-r2.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 22nd: Fiber supplier performed planned maintenance on the link between Holmagärde (HGE) and Halmstad (HSD1).
- May 21st: One of the routers at UU (uu-r1.sunet.se) and at SU (su-r1.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 21st: One of the routers at ORU (oru-r1.sunet.se), SH (sh-r1.sunet.se) and SLU UME (slu-ume-r1.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 20th: Carrier performed emergency fiber splicing on the link between Göteborg and Trollhättan. The outage was longer than expected due to human error during the maintenance.
- May 20th: One of the routers at KI (ki-r1.sunet.se) and at LTU (ltu-r1.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 20th: One of the routers at MIUN (miun-r1.sunet.se), KTH (kth-r3.sunet.se), KAU (kau-r1.sunet.se) and at MAU (mah-r1.sunet.se), were all upgraded to a new software release.
- May 19th: Supplier performed planned maintenance on their network between Jönköping and Ulricehamn.
- May 16th: One of the routers at HV (hv-r1.sunet.se) and at IRF (irf-r1.sunet.se) were both upgraded to a new software release.
- May 15th: Fiber supplier performed fiber maintenance in Uppsala.
- May 15th: One of the routers at HKR (hkr-r1.sunet.se) and at JU (hj-r1.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 14th: One of the routers at HH (hh-r1.sunet.se) and at HHS (hhs-r1.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 13th: One of the routers at BTH (bth-r1.sunet.se) and at HB (hb-r1.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 12th: Supplier performed fiber maintenance in the stretch between Kiruna and Gällivare
- May 8th: Supplier performed fiber maintenance. The services did not come up after the scheduled end time due to a damaged cable. The later incident is followed in SUNETTICKET-5681.
- May 3rd: One of the routers at HIS (his-r1.sunet.se) and at HIG (hig-r1.sunet.se) were upgraded to a new software release.
- May 3rd: One of the routers at DU (du-r1.sunet.se) and one of the routers at GU (gu-r1.sunet.se) was upgraded to a new software release.
Scope | Unscheduled | Scheduled | Total |
Hardware | 3 pcs 3d 14:27 | 1 pcs 00:07 | 3 pcs 3d 14:34 |
Link | 3 pcs 2d 23:10 | 9 pcs 2d 17:54 | 12 pcs 5d 17:04 |
None | 4 pcs 2d 19:53 | 20 pcs 19:45 | 24 pcs 3d 15:38 |
Routing | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |
Software | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |