@echo off

REM ################################################################
REM Installs: Toad for MySQL
REM Download link: http://www.toadworld.com
REM Contact information:
REM Documentation:
REM Created:
REM Modifyed:
REM Info:
REM Program reboots during install: No
REM Windows needs to be rebooted by SCCM after install: No
REM User interaction at install: No
REM Application dependencies: No
REM ################################################################


REM Kör setup för Toad for MySQL

"%~dp0ToadforMySQL_Freeware_6.0.1.1723.exe" /qn

REM Skapar katalog

md "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Toad"

REM Kopierar genväg

xcopy /h /e %~dp0Shortcut\Toad.lnk "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Toad" /Y


REM Return exit code to SCCM

exit /B %EXIT_CODE%

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