- August 23rd: KAU connection between Karlstad - Arvika went down. RFO unknown.
- August 22nd: Link from Sthb to Umeå via FUNET was down. The cause of the reboot of FPC9 was due to a transient error.
- August 20th: Fiber break on the circuit between HMG9 - NOR1202 due to excavation work.
- August 10th: SUNET backbone link between Kalix and Kiruna was down due to a fiber outage. Fiber was repaired and link restored.
- August 4th: There was a fiber break between Himmeta and Örebro. Fiber provider has temporarily moved to another fiber pair to restore the service.
- August 3rd: Link between Kiruna and Kalix was down due to large fiber break between PAJ1 (Junosuando) and PAJ2 (Pajala). Service has since been restored.
- August 2nd: Core link between Växjö and Jonköping is down due to a faulty fiber patch. Fiber patch was replaced and link restored.
- July 30th: sunic.sunet.se was unreachable.
- July 21st: The interface did not come up after the upgrade of mcen1-r1. The QSFP was reseated and service restored.
- July 12th: Router slu-r2 was unreachable. Solved with reboot.
- August 31st: SUNET replaced RAMAN on the node in Rakkestad.
- August 29th: Provider performed cable work due to railway construction affecting the link between Tug and Ballerup.
- August 22nd: Supplier performed an emergency cable maintenance in Ånäset.
This affected the link between Luleå - Umeå. - August 18th: Fiber supplier performed fiber measurements on the stretch between ARS-GAUS23 and ARS-KGV11 in Norway.
- August 17th: Fiber supplier performed maintenance between Arvidsjaur (AJR2) and Åkroken (AJR22).
- August 17th: Fiber supplier performed maintenance between Arvidsjaur (AJR2-2) and Åkroken (AJR22).
- August 17th: Supplier performed planned cable work between Gävle (SBO)-Untra (UNA).
- August 16th: SUNET performed re-calibration of RAMAN amplification on the fiber stretch between Oslo (HMG9) and Rakkestad (NOR1202).
- August 15th: Provider performed a migration maintenance that affected the IP-VPN customer connection for RISE Sundsvägen 8 Alnarp.
- August 8th: Supplier performed cable work between Gävle (SBO)-Untra (UNA).
- July 29th: SUNET re-calibrated RAMAN amplification on the fiber stretch between Oslo (HMG9) and Rakkestad (NOR1202).
Scope | Unscheduled | Scheduled | Total |
Hardware | 2 pcs 00:21 | 0 pcs | 2 pcs 00:21 |
Link | 6 pcs 6d 07:36 | 10 pcs 1d 03:34 | 16 pcs 7d 11:10 |
None | 6 pcs 8d 15:23 | 1 pcs 02:23 | 7 pcs 8d 17:26 |
Routing | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |
Software | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |