
  • May 26th: The ADVA node in Strömstad restarted on it's own and took out the wavelengths through it. Given the power alarms before on both PSUs, it was due to a short power outage/peak on site.
  • May 26th: The connection to the RISE office in Lindholmspiren 3 A Göteborg went down. This was due to a blown fuse.
  • May 25th: The link between Junosuando - Pajala was down due to a fiber break. The fiber has been repaired by the provider.
  • May 24th: The link between Stockholm and Odensala was down due to a fiber outage.
  • May 23rd: FPC 11 on router kir3-r1 went down after the router was upgraded to a new software. Solved with replacement of the FPC.
  • May 21st: The link went down between Karlstad (kar1-r1) and Örebro (lba-r1) due a faulty FPC card. Solved with replacement of the FPC.
  • May 20th: The link between ksd1-r1 and hkr-r1 went down due to work carried out by supplier and wrong circuit was disconnected.
  • May 17th: One of the links to HIG went down because of FPC errors in router sbo-r1.
    Solved with restart of FPC-card.
  • May 17th: The link between Vårsta(BOT1) - Eskilstuna (ETA10) was down after planned maintenance. After checking and cleaning several times the link came back up.
  • May 17th: After outage because of planned work in SUNETTICKET-7800 and outage in SUNETTICKET-7867 the link between MDH2 and MDH3 didn't come back online. This caused outage on the link between mdh-r2 and CNaaS switch esk-d10918-d1. 
  • May 17th: We had some link flaps on the link between Ajr2-2 (Arvidsjaur2) and Gag3 (Gargnäs). Provider has not been able to find any RFO
  • May 11th: Link to JU, connected to hj-r2 went down after RE switch during the router upgrade. Solved by replacing broken CFP on hj-r2, connected to et-1/0/0.
  • May 11th: The link between Överby - Stockholm was down due to unanounced maintenance by provider.
  • May 7th: FPC error in mdh-r2 which was solved by replacing FPC5. This affected a link between mdh-r2 and tug-r1.
  • May 5th: A link went down between mdh-r2 and tug-r1. We had "Major Errors on mdh-r2 FPC5." Solved it by shutting off/on the power to slot5.
  • May 4th: We saw link flaps on the stretch between Göteborg, Sweden and Oslo, Norway. RFO from provider: The site owner were testing auxiliary power, and the battery backup were unable to provide power during the testing. 
  • May 3rd: Link was down between Kristianstad - Hemsjö due to maintenance performed by subcontractor.
  • May 2nd: Link was down between Kristianstad - Hemsjö. Case is related to issue in SUNETTICKET-7815.
  • May 2nd: Link flaps observed on link between Borås - Göteborg. Service was restored after technician changed to another fiber par.


  • May 31st: SUNET performed software upgrade on router fsn2-r1 in Västerås.
  • May 31st: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers, Stockholm (kth-r3) and Linköping (liu-r1).
  • May 30th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Göteborg (cth-r2, gu-r2) and Lund (ess-r2)
  • May 25th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers hv-r2.sunet.se, kau-r2.sunet.se and kth-r2.sunet.se.
  • May 24th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the router in Göteborg (gbg7-r2.sunet.se)
  • May 24th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers hb-r2.sunet.se, hhs-r1.sunet.se and hkr-r2.sunet.se.
  • May 23rd: SUNET performed software upgrade on router in Kiruna (kir3-r1.sunet.se).
  • May 23rd: SLU upgraded the capacity from 1G to 10G.
  • May 23rd: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Göteborg (cth-r1, gu-r1) and Lund (ess-r1).
  • May 20th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers ltu-r2.sunet.se, miun-r1.sunet.se and oru-r1.sunet.se.
  • May 19th: SUNET performed software upgrade on router in Göteborg (gbg7-r1.sunet.se)
  • May 19th: SUNET performed maintenance on the optical node in Untra. To solve issue in SUNETTICKET-7718.
  • May 19th: SUNET perforemd software upgrade on the routers in Kristianstad (hkr-r1), Karlstad (kau-r1) and Stockholm (kth-r1).
  • May 18th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Skövde (his-r1), Jönköping (hj-r1) and Trollhättan (hv-r1).
  • May 17th: SUNET performed software upgrade on router in Borås (bos-r1.sunet.se
  • May 17th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Borås (hb-r1), Halmstad (hh-r2) and Gävle (hig-r1).
  • May 17th: Provider performed a fiber maintenance on the circuit between Vårsta - Eskilstuna. 
  • May 16th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the router in Gävle (sbo-r1.sunet.se)
  • May 16th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Blekinge (bth-r1), Falun (du-r1) and Örebro (lba-r1).
  • May 13th: Provider perform a fiber swap on link between KOP (Meråker) - ARE64 (Åre) and changed RAMAN in KOP. This affected alienwave between Trondheim - Oslo and between Trondheim - Narvik.
  • May 13th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Norrköping (nkg188-r1), Gävle (hig-r2) and Sundsvall (miun-r2)
  • May 12th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Karlstad (kar1-r1), Falun (du-r2) and Uppsala (slu-r2)
  • May 12th: Tele2 performed a rerouting maintenance that affected the link between Hanebol - Mellerud.
  • May 11th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Jönköping (hj-r2), Kalmar (kmr88-r1) and Kristianstad (ksd1-r1).
  • May 10th: SUNET rebooted fpc8 in tug-r2 to clear minor and major alarms from the card.
  • May 10th: SUNET performed software upgrade on the routers in Borås (bos-r2), Skövde (his-r2) and Halmstad (hsd1-r1).
  • May 10th: Provider performed migration maintenance in RISE Argongatan 30, Mölndal. This affected link to mdl-c1.
  • May 8th: Provider performed cable maintenance in KMR88(Kalmar) that affected the link between Bergkvara and Kalmar.
  • May 7th: Provider performed an opto cable maintenance between Holmagärde (HGE) and Halmstad (HSD1).
  • May 3rd: Router tug-r3 showed memory issues on FPC:s. Solved the issue by rebooting fpcs and trimming down the routing-table. This resolved the issue in SUNETTICKET-7810. While this help, the solution is accelerating the migration away from this hardware.
  • May 1st: Provider performed central upgrade maintenance. This affected the connection between Tulegatan - ESH Sköndal Campus.






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