- April 29th: The link from Lund to ESS was down. Fibre provider could not find an RFO.
- April 19th: The core link between Gävle - Uppsala went down due to a faulty card in router sbo-r1.sunet.se. The card has been replaced and the link is back up.
- April 19th: FPC crashed, causing one link to SP to go down. Solved toggling fpc2 and mic1 offline/online.
- April 16th: The router slu-ume-r1.sunet.se rebooted. RFO unknown.
- April 12th: There was degraded signal on the stretch between Varla and Holmagärde which has been resolved by switching to a new fiber pair.
- April 9th: We had a short outage in the fiber stretch located between BOS (Borås) and SKU1 (Stenkullen). This was due to a subcontractor that had problems with cabling.
- April 7th: Outage after planned maintenance. RX and TX had been shifted.
- April 5th: Broken CFP caused issues with the link between DU2 and DU3. Solved the issue by replacing the CFP.
- April 3rd: Login to eduID was not working. The issue is fixed.
- April 1st: We experienced a link down between kir3-r1 and klx1-r1 due to power outage.
- April 27th: A router in site Stockholm-B was upgraded to a new software release.
- April 26th: Supplie performed maintenance between Älvsbyn (ABN1) - Åkroken (AJR22) and Älvsbyn (ABN1) -and Boden (BDN)
- April 26th: Supplie performed maintenance between Älvsbyn (ABN1) and Boden (BDN).
- April 23rd: Supplier performed network maintenance in Göteborg. Maintenance completed.
- April 16th: Fiber provider performed fiber maintenance between Jönköping and Rusken.
- April 14th: Fiber supplier performed rerouting of circuits at Svenäcker-Mellerud .
- April 8th: Supplier performed Network maintenance.
- April 6th: Supplier performed network maintenance in Göteborg
- April 5th: Provider performed fiber maintenance in Göteborg.
- April 3rd: eIDAS connector service in QA environment was reinstalled.
- April 2nd: Supplier performed maintenance to improve optical values on fiber between Mörarp and Lund.
Scope | Unscheduled | Scheduled | Total |
Hardware | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |
Link | 4 pcs 3d 00:45 | 9 pcs 1d 23:18 | 13 pcs 5d 00:03 |
None | 5 pcs 20:31 | 0 pcs | 4 pcs 20:31 |
Routing | 0 pcs | 0 pcs | 0 pcs |
Software | 1 pcs 00:24 | 2 pcs 01:15 | 3 pcs 01:39 |