
Time: November 26 2015,10:00-12:00 (CET)

Video Conference meeting (details below)


  1. NDN Board Meeting - Josva, Jørgen
    1. Certificate Transparency
    2. EISCAT-3D contract and point-of-contact
  2. Horizon2020 WP2016-2017 - Josva
    1. NREN visits, planning
  3. ANA-200G Update - Jørgen
    1. Distributed control plane design
  4. ESS
    1. Update
    2. Point of contact
  5. New developments - roundtable
  6. AOB

Meeting Notes



Video Conference MCU details

Meeting Subject: CTO Monthly Meeting

Meeting ID: 632462520

Time: 10:00 (Central European Time)

Duration: 120 minutes

Meeting PIN: N/A