Page index
  1. Overview
  2. Producer
  3. Consumer
  4. Repository
  5. Data Model
  6. Searching in NOCLook
  7. Indexed properties
  9. Backup and Restore
  10. Links
  11. How to set up NOCLook
  12. Troubleshooting


NORDUnet Network inventory project is divided in to three parts. One part that gathers the data (producer), another part that uses the data (consumer) and a repository for the raw data.


For the producer we use the NERDS projects JSON format to save the data. How to actually collect data depends on what you want to collect data from.


The only NORDUnet consumer today is NOCLook which is a web gui made with the Django web framework and Neo4j graph database as back end for the inventory data model. The data is added to the Neo4j database via norduniclient which builds on neo4jdb-python.


Git is used to handle the revisions of the collected data.

Data model

See Presentation.


Searching in NOCLook

In addition to the search box at the top of the page you can also use the URL field for searching.

ex. /findall/10/
ex. /findall/link/10/
/findin/[node type]/[value]/
ex. /findin/optical-node/10/
/findin/[node type]/[key]/[value]/
ex. /findin/optical-node/link/10/
/getall/[node type]/
ex. /getall/optical-node/

The URL field version of the search find substrings so you can't use wild cards but it is at lease case insensitive.

Indexed properties

Neo4j provides Lucene indexes for nodes and relationships. A "search" index is created with the properties that will be searched when a user uses the search bar. Some optimization indexes was also created to speed up the consuming or presentation.

Node search index:
name (all nodes)
description (interface and unit nodes)
ip_addresses (unit and host nodes)
as_number (peering partner nodes)
hostname (host nodes)
telenor_tn1_number (cable nodes)

Relationship search index:
ip_address (Uses and Depends_on relationships)

Node node_types index
node_type (all nodes)

All property values above is also indexed under the index key all in all indexes. For example in the search index you can query the all-key for both name, description, ip_addresses, as_number and hostname.


Only L2VPN services are set up in this way.

NOCLook REST API is driven by django-tastypie. Authentication is set per user as an API key.

Create a new site

$ cat site.json
	"node_name": "DK-AAL",
	"node_type": "/api/v1/node_type/site/",
	"node_meta_type": "Location",
	"node": {
		"address": "Selma Lagerlöfsvej 300",
		"area": "Aalborg",
		"country": "Denmark",
		"country_code": "DK",
		"latitude": "57.011944",
		"longitude": "9.990560",
		"owner_id": "AAU",
		"postarea": "Aalborg",
		"postcode": "9220"

$ curl -i -H "Authorization: ApiKey apiuser:secret" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @site.json

Create a new L2VPN service

Using curl
curl -k -H "Authorization: ApiKey apiuser:secret" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"node_name": "NU-SXXXXX1", "operational_state": "In service", "route_distinguisher": "rd1", "vrf_target": "vt1", "end_points": [{"device": "", "port":"l2vpn_test_port"}, {"device": "", "port":"l2vpn_test_port"}]}'

    "created": "2013-02-20T16:45:41.228176", 
    "creator": "/api/v1/user/59/", 
    "description": null, 
    "handle_id": 11717, 
    "modified": "2013-02-20T16:45:41.228213", 
    "modifier": "/api/v1/user/59/", 
    "node": {
        "handle_id": 11717, 
        "name": "NU-SXXXXX1", 
        "node_type": "Service", 
        "operational_state": "In service", 
        "service_class": "MPLS", 
        "service_type": "L2VPN"
    "node_id": 13707, 
    "node_meta_type": "logical", 
    "node_name": "NU-SXXXXX1", 
    "node_type": "/api/v1/node_type/service/", 
    "object_path": "/service/11717/", 
    "operational_state": "In service", 
    "relationships": [
    "resource_uri": "/api/v1/l2vpn/11717/", 
    "route_distinguisher": "rd1", 
    "service_type": "L2VPN", 
    "vrf_target": "vt1"

Setting L2VPN service attributes

Using curl
curl -k -H "Authorization: ApiKey apiuser:secret" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data '{"operational_state": "In service", "description": "Test REST API call l2vpn"}'

    "created": "2013-02-20T16:45:41.228176", 
    "creator": "/api/v1/user/59/", 
    "description": "Test REST API call l2vpn", 
    "handle_id": 11717, 
    "modified": "2013-02-20T16:51:16.077192", 
    "modifier": "/api/v1/user/59/", 
    "node": {
        "description": "Test REST API call l2vpn", 
        "handle_id": 11717, 
        "name": "NU-SXXXXX1", 
        "node_type": "Service", 
        "operational_state": "In service", 
        "service_class": "MPLS", 
        "service_type": "L2VPN"
    "node_id": 13707, 
    "node_meta_type": "logical", 
    "node_name": "NU-SXXXXX1", 
    "node_type": "/api/v1/node_type/service/", 
    "object_path": "/service/11717/", 
    "operational_state": "In service", 
    "relationships": [
    "resource_uri": "/api/v1/l2vpn/11717/", 
    "route_distinguisher": "rt1", 
    "vrf_target": "vrf1"

Backup and Restore

You can backup the Postgresql and Neo4j databases using these scripts:

# Backup the SQL database
pg_dump norduni > /var/opt/norduni/nistore/producers/noclook/sql/postgres.sql
# Run NOCLook producer for backup purpose
cd /opt/norduni/src/scripts/
rm /opt/nistore/producers/noclook/json/*
./ -O /opt/nistore/producers/noclook/json/
# Push the changes to nistore master
/usr/local/sbin/ -r /opt/nistore/

To restore the data from a backup use psql and

# All producers need to be listed here with a path data or empty
juniper_conf =
nmap_services_py =
alcatel_isis =
noclook = /opt/nistore/producers/noclook/json/
nagios_checkmk = 
cfengine_report =  

psql -f /opt/nistore/producers/noclook/sql/postgres.sql norduni -C restore.conf -I

When using postgres you have to reset the autoincrementing handle_id property.

python sqlsequencereset noclook

Copy output from the previous command and paste it in the dbshell.

python dbshell

Now everything should be restored and ready to be updated as usual with

Links (bleeding edge)

Issue tracker:

Graph Gists

Version 1.0:
Version 2.0:

How to set up NOCLook

See Setting up a NORDUni 2.0 instance.


Starting/stopping and restarting

$ sudo service uwsgi start|stop|restart