NORDUnet Contributors Agreement

These terms apply to your contribution of materials to a product or project owned or managed by us ('project'), and set out the intellectual property rights you grant to us (NORDUnet A/S) in the contributed materials. If this contribution is on behalf of a company, the term 'you' will also mean the company or employer you identify below. If you agree to be bound by these terms, fill in the information requested below and provide your signature.

Read this agreement carefully before signing.

  1. The term 'contribution' means any source code, object code, patch, tool, sample, graphic, specification, manual, documentation, or any other material posted or submitted by you to a project.
  2. With respect to any worldwide copyrights, or copyright applications and registrations, in your contribution:
  3. With respect to any patents you own, or that you can license without payment to any third party, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, no-charge, royalty-free license to:
  4. Except as set out above, you keep all right, title, and interest in your contribution. The rights that you grant to us under these terms are effective on the date you first submitted a contribution to us, even if your submission took place before the date you sign these terms. Any contribution we make available under any license will also be made available under a suitable FSF (Free Software Foundation) or OSI (Open Source Initiative) approved license.
  5. With respect to your contribution, you represent that:
  6. These terms will be governed by the laws of Denmark. Any choice of law rules will not apply. If available, please list your username(s) and the name of the project(s) (or project website(s)) for which you would like to contribute materials.

Your username

Project name (or project website):

Your contact information (Please print clearly):

Your name:

Your company's name (if applicable):

Mailing address:

Telephone, Fax and Email:

Your signature:


To deliver these terms to us, scan and email, or fax a signed copy to us using the email address or fax number set out on the appropriate project website.