
A lobber storage node is essentially a standard BitTorrent client with a very thin layer used to receive notification about new and modified torrents. A lobber storage node is provided as a twisted plugin and is installed from the python package index.

There is no dependency on any one BitTorrent client but development and testing is done using transmission, a BitTorrent client designed to run as a headless standalone server.


The examples below assume a debian/ubuntu environment. If you're running another unix-like or windows OS your milage may vary. Our goal is for lobber to run on a multitude of environments and operating systems. Please provide us with patches!


# apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-daemon

At this point you should have a transmission daemon running after each reboot. Use the /etc/init.d/transmission tool to stop/start the service in the normal way.


The lobberstoragenode is available from http://pypi.python.org/ and can be installed using the easy_install tool from python-setuptools:

# apt-get install python-setuptools python-twisted
# easy_install lobberstoragenode

At this point twistd should have a new plugin registered. Verify this by running twistd --help and look for lobberstoragenode in the list of commands. If you see this then you're installation should be ok.

# twistd --help
    ftp                    An FTP server.
    telnet                 A simple, telnet-based remote debugging service.
    socks                  A SOCKSv4 proxy service.
    manhole-old            An interactive remote debugger service.
    portforward            A simple port-forwarder.
    lobberstoragenode      A Storage Node for Lobber
    web                    A general-purpose web server which can serve from a
                           filesystem or application resource.
    inetd                  An inetd(8) replacement.
    news                   A news server.
    xmpp-router            An XMPP Router server
    words                  A modern words server
    toc                    An AIM TOC service.
    dns                    A domain name server.
    mail                   An email service
    manhole                An interactive remote debugger service accessible via
                           telnet and ssh and providing syntax coloring and
                           basic line editing functionality.
    conch                  A Conch SSH service.

Running twistd lobberstoragenode --help gives you an overview of the options:

# twistd lobberstoragenode --help
Usage: twistd [options] lobberstoragenode [options]
  -S, --stompUrl=    The STOMP protocol URL to use for notifications [default:
  -k, --lobberKey=   The Lobber application key to use
  -d, --torrentDir=  The directory where to store torrents [default: torrents]
  -u, --lobberUrl=   The Lobber URL prefix [default:
  -s, --script=      The script to run on all received torrents [default: ls -l]
      --help         Display this help and exit.

When running a storage-node for development purposes you will typically run it with both the --stompUrl and --lobberUrl parameters pointing to endpoints on your local development sandbox. When running a storage-node off of beta.lobber.se you will typically want to start it this way:

# twistd -n lobberstoragenode -k <appkey> -h beta.lobber.se -d /var/torrents [<destination|rss>]*

The final arguments is a set of STOMP destinations and/or RSS feeds. Each RSS feed is pulled regularly and each link is downloaded. If the downloaded data is a BitTorrent file it is stored in the --torrentDir directory (/var/torrents in the example above). Optionally if a --script option was given it will be run as a command with the path to the torrent-file as an argument.

If you want to notify transmission of new torrents you might do something like this

# twistd -n lobberstoragenode ... --script="transmission-remote -n transmission:transmission -a"

A more complete example. This would regularly pull all torrents linked from https://beta.lobber.se/torrent/tag/foo.rss and ask transmission to add the new ones.

# twistd -n lobberstoragenode -k <key> -h beta.lobber.se -d /tmp \\
         --script="transmission-remote -n transmission:transmission -a" \\
         https://beta.lobber.se/torrent/tag/foo.rss /torrent/tag/foo