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titleWork in progress

Table of Contents

Setting up



This guide is written for Ubuntu 10.04.

Paths used in this guide is just a suggestion, as long as Python can find the files it needs to import it is all good.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install nginx git-core python-virtualenv postfix openjdk-6-jdk build-essential postgresql python-psycopg2 libpq-dev python-dev

Postgresql is optional but you need a SQL database. See Django database documentation for other supported SQL databases.

Make a virtual python environment.

Code Block
cd /opt/python_environments/
sudo virtualenv --no-site-packages norduni
source norduni/env/bin/acivate

Making a virtual environment is also just a suggestion but it makes it easier to keep your system clean.

Install needed python modules.

Code Block
sudo su
source python_environments/norduni/bin/activate
pip install django ipaddr argparse pexpect markdown psycopg2 lucene-querybuilder gunicorn

Here psycopg2 is optional but you need to install the Python database module of your SQL database choice. If you have trouble installing psycopg2.

Get the NORDUni files:

Code Block
cd /var/opt/
git clone git://


Code Block
pip install neo4j-embedded
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/
pip install /path/to/


Setting up a local/development NOCLook

Deploying NOCLook

Comment out the static media url in /opt/norduni/src/niweb/

Code Block
# Static serve
    #(r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
    #    {'document_root': settings.STATIC_DEV_MEDIA}),

Install gunicorn.

Code Block

pip install gunicorn

Create a gunicorn start file.
