Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You then need to uncomment the lines in that imports and sets up djangosaml2. You also have to create a pysaml2 configuration.
All this is best described in the documentation at


Local saml metadata

To speed up login you can use local metadata. This metadata still needs to be updated and verified, and for that you can use 

You need to configure djangosaml2 to use local metadata, and you will have to add the meta-dataupdater to cron, preferably by running crontab -e as the ni user. Once an hour is reasonable, once a day can be ok, once a week might be tiresome when the cert expires.

Collecting and processing network data

To insert data you need to stop any python process that is using the Neo4j database. We hope to get the option to load more database instances in read insert data you need to stop any python process that is using the Neo4j database. We hope to get the option to load more database instances in read-only mode in a near future then this could be avoided.


Change the path at the top of the script to be able to import

Code Block
juniper_conf = /path/to/juniper/json
nmap_services = /path/to/nmap/json
alcatel_isis = /path/to/alcate/json
noclook = #Used for loading backup.

Then run:

Code Block
python -C template.conf -I

Setting up a local/development NOCLook

juniper_conf = /path/to/juniper/json
nmap_services = /path/to/nmap/json
alcatel_isis = /path/to/alcate/json
noclook = #Used for loading backup.

Then run:

Code Block
python -C template.conf -I

Setting up a local/development NOCLook

Code Block
# Clone a convenience repo
$ git clone
$ cd norduni-developer
# Start dependencies
$ ./

# Clone NOCLook project repo
$ git clone
$ cd norduni
Code Block
$ git clone
# Download neo4j docker image and start it
$ docker pull tpires/neo4j
$ docker run -d -v /path_to_repo/norduni/docker/ -v /opt/docker/neo4jdata:/var/lib/neo4j/data -p 7474:7474 tpires/neo4j
# Create the indexes with curl
$ curl -D - -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name" : "node_auto_index","config" : {"type" : "fulltext","provider" : "lucene"}}' -X POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/
$ curl -D - -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name" : "relationship_auto_index","config" : {"type" : "fulltext","provider" : "lucene"}}' -X POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/relationship/
# Create a virtualenv and activate it
$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
# Install the python packages
$ pip install paver
$ pip install -r /path_to_repo/requirements/dev.txt
# Create a settings file
$ cp /path_to_repo/src/niweb/dotenv /path_to/repo/src/niweb/.devenv
# Sync the db
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ syncdb
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ migrate apps.noclook
# Run the app
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ migrate actstream
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ migrate tastypie runserver

Upgrading to newest versions

This is the general procedure for upgrading to newest version of norduni.

Code Block
# stash current local changes and update
$ git stash
$ git pull origin master
$ git stash apply
# Run the appmigrations
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ runservermigrate
# OptionalPip postgres instead of sqlite3, don't forget to change database settings in
# Download postgres docker image and start it
$ docker pull orchardup/postgresql
$ docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRESQL_USER=ni -e POSTGRESQL_PASS=docker -e POSTGRESQL_DB=norduni -v /opt/docker/postgresql_data/:/var/lib/postgresql/ orchardup/postgresql
update requirements
$ pip install -U -r requirements/prod.txt
# Collect statics
$ python /path_to_repo/src/niweb/ collectstatic
# Restart uwsgi
$ sudo services uwsgi restart