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Stefan Liström - NORDUnet
Juha Oinonen - Funet
Vegard Vesterheim - UNINETT
Marius Olafsson - RHnet
Jan Ferré - DeiC
Jonny Lundin - NORDUnet

Minutes of the meeting

  • Introductions and setting the agenda
    Roundtable presentation where Jonny introduced himself as new NOC manager.
    Stefan mentioned that he is now handing over the task of organising the operational forum to Jonny.
  • NREN Operational updates
    • NORDUnet & SUNET - JL
      Add presentation from Jonny
      A new NOC engineer starting soon
      NORDUnet has had a organisation restructure which Jonny discussed.
      Jonny also gave an update about the operational major outages
      Jonny presented major updates since last meeting.
      Stefan mentioned that NORDUnet is putting NCS in full production soon.
      NCS and the modules NORDUnet has written to NCS will help the NOC to easier (and sometimes fully automated):
      • add new peers
      • update AS-path filters
      • add new customers
      • update prefix filters
    • UNINETT - VV
      Add notes from Vegard
      • Internal UNINETT project: Enterprise architecture
        Further discussions about different aspects of services, data modelling,
        attributes etc next step is to implement this in our inventory system and try it out in practice.
        Examples of benefits of this work:
        • mapping our external customer services and their descriptions to the actual system services, implementations and operations
        • responsibilities of the different aspects of services
        • management of service lifecycles, when is a service "in test", "prototype", "in operation", etc
      • Formulated "5 Principles for Architecture":
        Headlines (in norwegian, my attempt at English translations in parentheses)
        • Kundefokus (Customer Focus)
        • Åpenhet (Openness)
        • Informasjonssikkerhet (Information security)
        • Helhetsperspektiv (holistic view??)
        • Innovasjon og endringsevne (innovation and adaptability)
      • New internal project proposed for a customer database (CRM Lite...)
        • central database for maintaining contact data about customers
        • should integrate ticketing
      • SIP vulnerabilities
        Several security incidents the last months involving abused customer
        phone exchanges and SIP infrastructure generating costs related to
        "phone services at exotic locations". (Typically an vendor upgrade
        introduces "vulnerabilities" by activating something previously locked
        Good "Anomaly-detection" vital, both at our sip-servers and at phone
        network supplier.
      • IPTV pilot/test with a company called SnapTV running from 15. Feb.
        SnapTV supplies set-top boxes, using multicast
      • NAV (Network Administration Visualized)
        • Needs better support environmental monitoring (power, temperature,
          UPS status, cooling, moisture)
        • alarms issued directly from equipment lacks duplicate suppression
        • need to find out what equipment is used by our customers
        • to what degree can standard SNMP MIBs be used?
      • NyÅlesund cable project
        Helge Stranden new project leader (taking
        over after Olaf). Two potential vendors, hoping to sign contract "now",
        for two parallel cables.
      • "Mini-Tender" for new network equipment
        Juniper won this time - routers and switches ordered so far: "stripped"
        MX-80's as MX-5 og MX-40, and some EX-switches for our lab.
      • Nordic Skiing World Championships caused tendencies to congestion in our network.
        our users wanted to look at AKAMAIzed content provided
        by the national TV broadcaster.
      • NOC critical/immediate alarm mechanism
        • "christmas tree" problem on the NOC
        • monitoring system has a few minutes delay
        • new alarm-mechanism on the NOC for time-critical alarms where "each
          second counts"
        • activating "sirene light", critical message scrolling over status screens
        • triggered by one of the SIP incidents mentioned above
    • RHnet - MO
      Marius gave a presentation about updates from RHnet
    • Funet – JO
      Many organisations are looking to Funet to potentially help them with operations of their "local" networks.
      CSC/Funet looking into which cloud services are useful to invest time in for the future.
      Funet has been working on their Enterprise architecture, i.e. design principles such as describing services, processes or systems.
      Funet is also looking into implementing a CRM that should be able to integrate several other datasources.
      100G field testing have been done with a good outcome, was working in the production network.
    • DeiC - JF
      To help monitoring DeiC is setting up a SMS service with NAV in the backend.
      Started using Observium, which graph router utilization (use for troubleshooting and reporting/presentation)
      Service info, web based service information dissemination system. Shared with universities.
      Working on BoD and Mantychore
      Looking into using the Greek virtual service (okeanos) or vm-ware to offer IAAS
      Upgrading Alcatel equipment, which needs firmware upgrade which needs a management upgrade (NMS)
  • TF-NOC update – SL
    Last meeting was in December in Poznan
    The TF-NOC survey was published
    Stefan recommended the participants to check out the presentations but in particular the NLNOG ring presentation, which seems like a very good way to help troubleshoot certain network issues.
    There was also a discussion about the future of TF-NOC. As the mandate for the task force is running out after this summer there was a suggestion to still keep meeting up once or twice each year to share knowledge and information about the things we are all working on.
  • GN3 and GN3+ – LF
    Lars gave a presentation about GN3 and GN3+
  • NORDUnet general updates
    • PRISM Tender update - JQ
      Jörgen gave an overview of the current status of the framework tender for new optical equipment.
      The tender is approaching its final stages where the final bid will be published.
      Goal to have the framework contract ready after summer.
    • Splunk – JQ
      Jörgen distributed a proposal for using Splunk between the Nordic NRENs.
    • Other ongoing tenders – SL
      Stefan discussed the completed NORDUnet synchronization tender and the completed SUNET tenders for a synchronization service, eduroam outside universities and a survey service.
      There are also discussions about tendering for a server backup service and virtual servers, but nothing has been decided in this regard yet.
  • AOB and next meeting
    Topics suggested for next meeting was a netflow discussion and Juha could make a presentation of the Funet Enterprise architecture
    Next meeting was decided to be a VC the 12th of June starting at 12:00 CET.