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The date for the next NORDUnet operational meeting will be on Thursday the 10th of November, starting at 12:00 CET and end on Friday the 11th of November at 13:00 CET.
The meeting will take place at the NORDUnet Stockholm office


Stefan Liström - SL (NORDUnet)
Fresia Pérez - FP (NORDUnet/SUNET)
Jan Ferre - JF (Forskningsnettet) - via VC
Vegard Vesterheim - VV (UNINETT)
Marius Olafsson - MO (RHnet)
Jani Myyry - JM (Funet)
Jörgen Qvist - JQ (NORDUnet)


- present during Inter NREN forum update


  • Introductions and setting the agenda
  • NREN Operational updates
  • NREN development update
    • Network inventory
    • Trouble ticket information exchange
  • Funet "CPE-router" service (non-virtualized)
  • TF-NOC update
  • GN3 wavelength and BoD services
  • Service Inter-NREN forum update
  • Operational forum review
  • New action points
  • AOB and next meeting

Minutes of meeting


The agenda was accepted

NREN Operational updates

      • UNINETT is testing the Camtasia relayserver for recording presentations
      • Developing a firewall builder
      • which is generating access lists (included in the toolbox server for campuses) both ipv4 and ipv6,
      opensource, cisco & unix (iptables), ssh
      • it is opensource and compatible with Cisco and UNIX
      • A NAV reference group has been founded founded, it has been suggested to create a NORDUnet forum for NAV, new version will be available in
      • September
      • The UNINETT IRU with
      • Ventelo has been extended
      • There are plans for
      seacable spitzbergen-newÂlsunds
      10G deployment
      • a sea-cable connecting Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund
      • UNINETT is deploying 10G to several customers
      • using MX80s
      upgrade in
      • The core network have been upgraded, three
      router core use new isr9010 in core in Oslo
      new 10G links along west coast of norway.
      • new ASR9010 routers have been installed in Oslo
    • Funet - JM
        • Upgraded uplink to
        • NORDUnet to
        • two 10G links
        • Metro ring network in Helsinki area
        • soon in production (
        this month
        • probably during November)
        two routers (connected to ndn)
        6 routers in whole network (2 in helsinki)
        • The Metro network consist of six routers of which two are connected to NORDUnet
        • Funet is planning on setting up a new customer portal (software still in evaluation), the goal is to have it in production in
        active in ipv6,
        • December
        • An internal ipv6 taskforce in
        • CSC has been created to make sure that services are
        ipv6 available
        • IPv6 compatible
        • IPv6 planning is based on
        • SURFNET document for internal
        services ip
        • service IP allocation
        • Funet is also hosting IPv6 training for customers to increase the deployment rate
        • There is an ongoing evaluation of
        • DNSSEC
        • Funet is investigating dynamic services,
        • the plan is to setup a MPLS testbed running OSCARS version 0.6
        , mpls testbed in routers
      • FSKnet - JF
          new staff, (working
          • New staff have been hired to primarily work with the DWDM network

          • This has lead to faster provisioning of services in the network to customers
          • FSKnet is currently investigating how to best monitor layer 2 connections to customers
          , looking into how to monitor these connections
          centralizing routers (from universities to copenhagen) routers in lyngby and orestad, harder to make proper redundancy
          CWDM - 4 channel to 8+1 channels. Happy with it but harder to monitor
          VC conferencing - using the NORDUnet MCU, initially issues between old and new equipment
          jm - Funet using UNINETT system (stager) to monitor DWDM circuits
          dwdm nms - unix - stager

          • JM commented that Funet is using the UNINETT system Stager to monitor DWDM circuits. Information is sent from the DWDM NMS to a server (UNIX) and then forwarded to Stager which process the information.
          • Been starting to use the NORDUnet MCU for VC conferencing services for customers. There was an initial issue between old and new equipment but it is getting better now
        • SUNET - FP
          • Finalized the replacement of Ciena 4350 to Junpier MX80s, the NOC has had about 50% less incidents since the change
          • The SUNET core site has been completely separated (red/green network), the core site is now
          Finalized change of 4350 routers to MX80s (june), 50% less incidents
          completely separated red/green network, core
          • split up in two sites
          Connection between SUNET and UNINETT done and successful
          Adobe connect, more licenes
          • SUNET has had to buy more licenses to Adobe connect due to the increased
          • number of users (maximum number of concurrent users have about
          500 concurrent users in SUNET
          • around 500 so far)
          • The mailfilter service

          Central service
          • is now in production and a couple of universities have started using it
            There was a discussion about mailfiltering services in the different countries. A central service is used in UNINETT (
          • greylisting system
          • which is in-house developed) and many customers are using it
          , blacklist
          • ; A central Blacklisting service is used in Funet
          • ; customers run their own in RHnet
          . option
          • and there is an option for FSKnet customers to use
          centralized in FSKnet but not used much
          • a centralized solution.
        • NORDUnet
          • Adobe connect has been setup for UNINETT and
          maybe Funet
          11 october, power outage. 36 seconds UPS and generator did not have time to start up.
          network worked as expected (problem with single homed customers)
          services (adobe connect)
          a few changes in staff
          training on customer service
          goals for NORDUnet NOC,
          • Funet is considering to start using the service too.
          • There was a power outage at one of the Stockholm sites on the 11th of October and unfortunately there was also a problem with the UPS. Once the generator had started the network worked as expected however some services had further problems. Measures have been taken to avoid similar issues in the future.
          • New goals have been setup for the NORDUnet NOC and there will soon be a customer survey sent out to NRENs
          Marius - problem with US circuits. Hard to get respons from the providers, we are getting replies but hopefully useful information soon. Any penalty for the greenconnect circuit?
          FP - check if we are paying for it
          JM - peering precense in US?
          JM - 100G test?
          new network tender for NORDUnet
          SL - Peering, why are we not peering in Finland
          • NORDUnet is starting to prepare the new network tender.
          • During a discussion about peering the question came up why NORDUnet is not peering in Finland. This is because of the current rules to connect to the Finish IX. However JM thought the rules have been changed and will investigate if that was correct.
            New AP on JM to check the rules for NORDUnet to peer in Finland.
        • RHnet
          • 10G build out is finalized in Reykjavik, it is harder to extend the 10G infrastructure outside Reykjavik due to the quality of the old fibers
          • A new Nordic HPC initiative is being built on Iceland, which will be connected to RHnet.
          • Preparations have started for the Terena conference on Iceland next year.
          • RHnet have decided to use NAV (the UNINETT software) and are currently
          not much has happened with RHnet
          secondary schools adult education centers funded by ministary of education (26000 students, 60 institutes) applied to use RHnet network
          10G buildout done in raykavik, fibers 10 years old, auality can not always carry 10G
          new NORDIC HPC facility,
          preparing for the terena conference
          Decided to use NAV,
          • waiting for hardware to be able to install it.

        NREN development update

        • Networking inventory
          The Network inventory is now used in production and NORDUnet have started to move information into the system.
          AP SL - arrange a demo/workshop for developers to get an overview of how the Network inventory work
        • Trouble ticket information exchange
          VV - create ticket in hobbit, work on it in RT and see it in the inventory system
          JF - OTRS as ticket system, looking into how to send information to the affected customers NORDUnet is investigating the possibility to disseminate and exchange trouble ticket information in a formal way using activity streams.
          RHnet, UNINETT and Funet use RT and it would be beneficial if information from NORDUnet could be "integrated" easier into their systems.
          Fresia mentioned that an former colleague to her had worked on a plugin to RT which creates tickets from external information, she would investigate if it was possible to get access to that code.
          VV commented on their current integrations between monitoring, ticket and inventory system. In UNINETT they can create a trouble ticket from an alarm in Hobbit which is then also registered in the inventory system. In other words the number of issues concerning e.g. equipment can be viewed easily in the inventory system.
          JF - In FSKnet they use OTRS as ticket system and are currently looking into developing a tool that disseminate information to the FSKnet customers in a more selecting way, i.e. not only emails.

        Funet "CPE-router" service (non-virtualized)


        Inter-NREN update


        JM presented their CPE-router service that they now offer to their customers.

        Inter-NREN forum update

        JQ presented the work and updates from the Inter-NREN forum.

        • NORDUnet MCU service
          FSKnet is now using the NORDUnet MCU service and Funet is evaluating the same service
        • Adobe connect service
          SUNET and UNINETT is using the service and Funet is going to test the service
        • Filesender
          UNINETT developed filesender


        • and now there is an interest among all NRENs to use it, there are discussions how it could be integrated into Kalmar and hosted for the NRENs
        • Mailfilter/spamfilter


        • SUNET is using Canit domain pro


        • and it is currently under discussion if other NRENs


        • would be interested in using the same setup for their customers.
        • Gateway services
          There are discussion in the forum how to best connect the Nordic NRENs to the Akamai service.
        • New services
          There are also ongoing discussions in the forum about if and how we can develop services together and also tender for services together instead of having to duplicate similar work in every NREN.

        TF-NOC update

        The last TF-NOC meeting was held in Brussels.
        Some of the things being worked on in the task force currently are:

        • Nagios/monitoring
          Most of the participants at the meeting use Nagios as one of their monitoring tools. It was suggested that the task force organise a opportunity for Nagios "developers" to exchange experiences regarding their setups and use of the software.
        • Ticket system integration
          A few organisations in the task force are investigating if it is possible to disseminate and exchange trouble ticket information in a more formal way than have been done before.
        • Script library
          At the meeting it was decided that each participant should send in one script that they are using in their day-to-day job to try to build up a repository of scripts useful for network operations.
        • Survey
          The NOC survey have been finalized and is now being analyzed. The results will be released early 2012.


        GN3 wavelength and BoD services

        • Wavelength
        • I-share
        • BoD
          • Presentation

        Operational forum review

        • The wavelength service is now being launched. I-SHARe is used to store information about the different domains participating in the service. E.g. contact details to operational departments, logistical details about where different domains have a point of presence (POP) and technical details like which kind of interfaces different domains have available to connect a wavelength at a certain POP.
        • BoD
          The BoD service is now in the operational phase, i.e. it is not setup on the production network but the project is testing the software and integration between the domains to make sure that the service is going to work as expected when implemented on the production network in each domain.

        Operational forum review

        VV read the Operational forum charter and all agreed that it is still relevant and indicates what we should be doing.
        VV - It is what is good, what is not so good
        what do we want more of, what do we want less of
        VV - agree on some actual work being done (common interests)
        important and useful to exchange experiences
        unnessecary and it is unnecessary to reinvent wheels the wheel all the time
        Marius - What , which it seems like we are doing. It would be good if we could find some common interest and agree on some tasks/work being done in that regard.
        It was decided that we spend some time on the next operational meeting to brainstorm common interests and see if there is something we could collaborate on to make it better.
        MO - It is good to get updates on what is happening in GEANT and Europe
        what are the plans for network buildout in NORDUnet
        one and also get updates about NORDUnet network changes.
        Having a meeting once a year might be to seldom and it does not seem like enough new things are happening to motivate having a meeting four times a year. The group agreed that between two and three meetings a year is a good interval.

        New action points

        AP - Fresia (SL) - arrange a demo/workshop for developers to get an overview of how the Network inventory work
        AP (FP) - to check code for RT ticket integration
        AP (All) - all think about Unsolved unsolved problems, brainstorming for common areas of interest until next meeting
        AP (JM) - Jani check peering rules for NORDUnet to peer in Finland
        Knowledge base, hard to get dissemination back to the NOC

        AOB and next meeting

        Next meeting RHnet on icelandIt was decided that we have the next meeting at RHnet on Iceland around April. SL will send out a doodle to find a suitable date.