Versions Compared


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@echo off

REM ################################################################
REM Installs: Uniface
REM Download link: http://www...
REM Contact information:
REM Documentation:
REM Created:
REM Modifyed:
REM Info:
REM Program reboots during install: No
REM Windows needs to be rebooted by SCCM after install: No
REM User interaction at install: No
REM Application dependencies: No
REM ################################################################


REM Skapar katalog
MD C:\Uniface

REM Kopierar filer till C:\Uniface_Setup
xcopy /h /e "%~dp0Uniface*.*" C:\Uniface

REM Kör setup för Uniface
"C:\Uniface\uniface_setup\w32\setup.exe" -s

REM Installerar Uniface Developer Tools
"%~dp0DeveloperTools\DeveloperToolsU94.exe" /silent

REM Stoppar tjänster
net stop Unifaceo94oDevelopmentoTomcat
net stop "Uniface 94 Development URouter"

REM Installerar patch för Uniface
"%~dp0patch\Uniface94_patch_r113.exe" /silent

REM Sätter rättighet för users på katalogen C:\LadokToolsU94\DeveloperTools\scripts
%~dp0SetACL\x64\SetAcl.exe -on "C:\LadokToolsU94\DeveloperTools\scripts" -ot file -actn ace -ace "n:S-1-5-32-545;p:change;s:y"

REM Kör setup för Compuware Distributed License Management
msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0dlm.msi" /qn /norestart

REM Kopierar genväg
xcopy.exe /h /e "%~dp0Shortcut\DLM.lnk" "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Compuware" /Y

REM Raderar katalog
rd "C:\Uniface" /s /q


REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%