SUNET Course Capture tender

The offered service shall be a SaaS for production, encoding, transcoding, curation and distribution of digital media content including audio and video recordings with optional synchronized presentation material.

The Tender is published under EU TED number: 2013-147160

Anonymized answers to tender questions can be found on the SUNET course capture tender Questions and Answers page.

Tender documents:

  File Modified
PDF File Correction December 3.pdf 2013-12-03 by Leif Johansson
PDF File Appendix 6 Internet exchange pionts.pdf 2013-10-29 by
PDF File Appendix 5 SLA.pdf 2013-10-29 by
Microsoft Excel Sheet Appendix 2 Requriment.xls 2013-10-29 by
PDF File Appendix 1 Organizations connected to SUNET.pdf 2013-10-29 by
PDF File Call for tender LCVMS 2013.pdf 2013-10-29 by
PDF File Appendix 3 General terms.pdf 2013-10-29 by
PDF File Appendix 4 Special conditions.pdf 2013-10-29 by

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