This page contains public information on participation in the GN3 efforts by NORDUnet, the Nordic NRENs, and partners.

Here you can find contact information, presentations, papers, etc.

GN3 information and Status

  • The GN3 Consortium (representing European NRENs) submitted a project proposal to the EU on 11 September 2009. NORDUnet has participated in the preparation of the GN3 project and contributed to the project proposal.
  • The GN3 project started on 1 April 2009. The proposal has been accepted by the EC; a consortium agreement and contract with the EC is currently being prepared. Signatures are expected in July 2009. Initially, the GN3 project will continue the operations of the GÉANT network and services of GN2. Gradually, new network architectures and services will be introduced. The GN3 project will run for 4 years, until 2013.
  • The GN3 project is composed of Service Activities (SA's) for operations of the core network, multi-domain network services, and advanced federated service, Joint Research Activities (JRA's) for investigation and development of new network technologies and services, and Network Activities for community activities, liaison with international partners, etc.
  • Background information on the GN3 project can be found in the collection of public GN3 documents

Nordic GN3 contributions

NORDUnet will be GN3 partner on behalf of the Nordic community. Both NORDUnet, the Nordic NREN's, and Nordic universities will contribute resources to the GN3 effort. The Nordic community will contribute especially in the are of

  • Pan-European network architecture and federated networks
  • Future network core technology
  • Hybrid and Dynamic Circuit Networking service development and deployment
  • Network measurement and monitoring
  • Network Security
  • Roaming and mobile network access
  • Identify management
  • Best Practice for campus networking
  • Environmental impact of advanced networking

In total, the Nordic community will contribute 46 man-years to the GN3 effort over 4 years, making the Nordic region the third-largest contributor (after DANTE and Poland).

NORDUnet act as GN3 coordinator for Nordic participation.

NORDUnet GN3 Contacts

Project Coordinator: Lars Fischer

Project & Financial Adminstrator: Thomas Hyllested

GN 3 Partner / Participant Information (Login Required)

This is a seperate GN3 coordination wiki for Nordic GN3 participants in that project.

That wiki is used for project-internal information, reporting, etc. Please contact the project coordinator if you need access to this wiki.

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